Truth is inspiring, it is guarded by GOD, and will triumph over all opposition!

Vicious Vatican Villians


To simply have a leash on a demon is of no value, one must utilize them!
Word has it that over (1) One Billion people follow the Roman Catholic Church! What’s sad is the fact that they don’t know exactly what transpires in this place, in this religion, in this hell hole. From idolizing statues to physically attacking, and molesting children and as if there could be any worse, they are worshiping angels. Not just any angels but fallen ones.

The Vatican represents ORION’S BELT!

It began hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. The worshiping of these creatures but first let’s see its inception.


Times and Time Again
Time is a relevant to GOD’S Plan and nothing can subdue that. But GOD allows things to happen for a reason and a rhyme. The Romans have changed many things over the centuries and one of those being time. GOD gave us the calendar via Enoch and Moses…
Adar Aleph changes the calendar from a 12-month to a 13-month lunar calendar, seven times in 19 years.
Did you know Month = Moon? It does! Hebrew word? Yareach.
And he entered in the sixth (year) thereof, [1308 A.M.] in the second month, on the new moon of the second month, till the sixteenth; and he entered, and all that we brought to him, into the ark, and the Lord closed it from without on the seventeenth evening.

Noah entered the ark the second month and then it tells the duration of the time he started entering with the animals .
and when it ended when our Creator closed it on the 17th evening.



The Hebrew calendar is lunisolar with an embolismic month. This extra month is called Adar Alef (first Adar) and is added before Adar, which then becomes Adar Bet (second Adar). According to the Metonic cycle, this is done seven times every nineteen years (specifically, in years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 19). This is to ensure that Pesah (Passover) is always in the spring as required by the Torah (Pentateuch) in many verses[10] relating to Pesah.

In addition, the Hebrew calendar has postponement rules that postpone the start of the year by one or two days. These postponement rules reduce the number of different combinations of year length and starting days of the week from 28 to 14, and regulate the location of certain religious holidays in relation to the Sabbath.


The Gregorian calendar was designed to keep the vernal equinox on or close to March 21, so that the date of Easter (celebrated on the Sunday after the 14th day of the Moon—i.e. a full moon—that falls on or after March 21) remains close to the vernal equinox. The vernal equinox year is about 365.242374 days long, measured in ephemeris time.


Book of Jubilees 20:33
33. But if they do neglect and do not observe them according to His commandment, then they will disturb all their seasons, and the years will be dislodged from this (order), [and they will disturb the seasons and the years will be dislodged] 2 and they will neglect their ordinances.
Rome Changes Sabbath


The Vatican are preparing its people for something astounding!
Many know the elite are all connected and the church is part of this ‘in-crowd’. An attorney, one Ms. Karen Hudes, for the Central Bank for over 20 years has come forward with a very interesting interview! I think this is about timing and all part of the plan.
Future Money Trends: “… Who is calling the shots at the Vatican? I am assuming it’s not the pope.”
Karen Hudes: “Well, there is something called the black pope but that’s umm… that’s not the ultimate reason why we have been in the fix that we are in. What we have found out, and this sounds implausible, but it’s absolutely correct, the fact that its been held in secret doesn’t mean that it’s not true. It is true.
“There is a second species on this planet.
“They are not extraterrestrial, they are very much with us, they made maps in the previous ice age. The remnants of their civilisations are all over the place. A lot of times along the coast its submerged because the umm… amount, the sea level has gone up by 400 meters, but this group has large brains. They are very distinct from homo sapiens.
“Their DNA is so different that if the two species mated, their offspring would be infertile and we know this because their DNA was just tested. They have skulls all over the place because they have been on Earth with us, but after the ice age there weren’t that many of them. And so they have been hiding and one of the places they have been hiding is in the Vatican. That’s why the Vatican are wearing those miters. It turns out thats also what the high priests wore in the early beginnings of Judaism.
World Bank Scandal


The Vatican is preparing for the ARRIVAL of an ALIEN GOD


HERE is the truth people!
Some are going with the pretext that this story is a hoax! I tend to believe the truth is covered up and things like this are like the myths of old, and will come to the surface if they are true.
I’ve researched Napoleon Bonaparte and came across some mighty sketchy information. I tend to think he was a pre-Freemason type and was part of the elite of his time. Well, this would go hand-in-hand with this…
PARIS – Scientist examining the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte are “deeply puzzled” by the discovery of a half-inch long microchip embedded in his skull.
“The possible ramifications of this discovery are almost too enormous to comprehend,” declared Dr. Andre Dubois, who made the astonishing revelation in a French medical journal.
Can you say “cover-up”? I can! Let’s not have any truth out there folks. Keep the dumb, dumb-down!


Sorcerers are great at creating a VEIL!
Evil sorcerers enact heinous rituals to summon powers granted by ‘alien’ gods. Well, this is what the ancient considered them to be but in all actuality they are mere angels, fallen angels, that is. And the Roman Catholic Church ascribes to their message of ‘saving the earth’.
“NOAH” generates a ‘flood’ of critics….
I saw “NOAH” and this is exactly the message the elite want you to think! The Watchers saved us! LIES! If anything, they cursed us!!

Stitched Panorama

From molesting out children to hiding aliens these people have no morals! Now, it’s no secret they don’t have to report it!

Bill Clinton And Alien Invasion?


History of Aliens?
The technology we possess was given to man over a period of thousands of years and it began with the fallen angels. Why? To change the DNA of man!



“PULSE PASSWORDS” are next Step Towards Permanent Human Microchip Implants
Just another step toward the inevitable.


Thus, bringing us into the next generation of man!
Knowledge has increased exponentially and this is a precursor of what is coming.
Daniel 12:4
“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”


Did you know it’s a religion? Of course it is!
This is where is all begins! The New Age mumbo-jumbo dilutes the Kundalini into many aspects of reality. The Kundalini is the ‘enlightenment’ of mankind by the ‘ascension’ of Lucifer. Another words, Lucifer is once again (just as he did in the Garden of Eden) telling mankind they can be gods. They can ascend without GOD and here’s how!! WRONG! One can only ascend with GOD! Period! No if, and or buts!
The “ONENESS” the New Age concept speaks of is this…and it doesn’t include GOD within the scenario.
The imposing limitation of mankind’s nature is being played upon! Satan/Lucifer is having a field day with man’s ignorance.
GOD did not die! But man will lose GOD in the current path it’s taking.
GOD DOES EXIST and the political NAZI’S are at it again!
Transcendence (2014)


I have a great idea, says Hollywood! Let’s get people to accept the idea of being god. Here’s how. Let’s put the concept in movies, programs and scripts….even in the church! Of course, I’m being facetious!
But what will this accomplish? It will soften the blow, so to speak. To get mankind to believe they can become gods. The, when and not if, when this does happen….and it will! This will change mans DNA! Get it? Got it? GOOD!
This will change the Image made within man, of GOD!
Then, when these demons and fallen angels do appear from their dark places….and they will! Then, it will be easier to change doctrine. To change man.

ps 27

So, who are the Vatican worshiping? These demons! These fallen angels! The idols placed within the Roman Catholic Church are statues of the coming ‘brother’s of space’.

The Vatican represents ORION’S BELT!
The Vatican represents Orion’s belt, while the Seven Hills of Rome represent the Pleiades. The triangle formed by the Egyptian obelisks found in the Piazza del Popolo and in front of the Pantheon, together with Castel Sant’Angelo (used including by the Roman Inquisition as prison for “heretics”), represents the Trinity stars. The Star Fortress also represents the star of Ra (Marduk).

The RAel villians behind the Vatican are vicious demons and fallen angels.





Prepare for “Brother Extraterrestrial” says, RCC:

3 responses

  1. Nathaniel

    Have you heard of Trey Smith? I really like his take on things. He’s a Christian and knows the rest of Truth. He gets into the DNA and the ancient skull shape/ size thing in his Nephilim video. His Enoch video is a good one too. Here’s a link to his first one, Theory of Everything.

    April 10, 2014 at 6:48 PM

    • Thanks! Will check him out!

      April 11, 2014 at 5:24 PM

      • Gary R. Sayers

        —- LOVE the implications regarding “Le Empereur”… I’m a begrudging admirer of ‘Le Citizen Generale’… Bonaparte was to warfare and the waging of it as Mozart was to music… A complete GENIUS… NOBODY was ever truly able to figure him out on a battlefield; even WELLINGTON, who only won at Waterloo via the timely intervention of the Prussian Blucher & his troops, earlier in the same week defeated soundly by the French at Ligny..
        —- Waterloo might never have been fought at ALL if a lonely French grenadier sergeant at a key river crossing near the city of Leipzig a year or so earlier had not peremptorily blown up a bridge upon which Napoleon’s army were executing an orderly and masterly retreat from superior forces… This trapped a THIRD of Napoleon’s army, and MOST of his artillery on the far side of the river, and effectively smashed him piecemeal… Leipzig led to Napoleon’s final masterful ‘defense of France’, which the Emperor was maneuvering (& quite likely SUCCEEDING) to WIN before his Marshals, exactly like Alexander in India at the Hydaspes River, turned upon him, and war-weary declared they were finished, and so requested his abdication at Fountainbleau, to which he grudgingly acceded… Enough of the history lesson… I canst thusly hear the snoring thereabouts in yonder classroom..
        —- Interestingly, the book by J. R. Church to which I refer frequently in this space (‘Guardians of the Grail’) stated that Napoleon’s Masonic links were quite evident… His coronation robe was festooned with the Imperial ‘bees’; often linked to Masonic traditions, as well as connected to Merovingian dynastic tradition leading back to Charlemagne and even to King Clovis, ancestor of the Great Frankish warrior-monarch…Ties to the ‘Holy Order of the Knights Templar’ are also in evidence, as the Templars claim the same ‘links’… That a microchip was embedded in Napoleon’s brain would not in the LEAST surprise me… What DOES surprise me is that the Great Dictator/Soldier of France, while imprisoned at St. Helena, may INDEED have come to a saving knowledge of Our LORD JESUS… Comments he made during that period are quite astonishing, and he’s known to have kept a copy of the Holy Scriptures by his bed, from which he regularly read… Anyhoo, I kinda DIGS the guy… A little bit… His military genius is undeniable..

        April 23, 2014 at 7:05 PM

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