Truth is inspiring, it is guarded by GOD, and will triumph over all opposition!

Strange Religious Happenings

Macedonia church says miracle occurring with shining frescoes

macedonia church

Church officials at Sveti Dimitrije (St. Dimitrija) in Skopje said Monday that frescoes on the walls began to shine brightly without explanation
Hundreds of faithful arrived at the church of Sveti Dimitrije (St. Dimitrija) Monday to see icons that church officials said began to shine bright without explanation, reported the AFP.
Somewhat coincidentally, reported the Associated Press, the alleged miracle caused the church to be swarmed with believers just a week before Orthodox Easter, which begins next Sunday.
“It is really a miracle, it started Sunday in the central part of the iconostasis (a wall of icons and religious paintings), the golden colour is very visible and the phenomenon continues,” Father Dimce Malinov told AFP.
Witnesses have said that the frescoes did appear particularly shiny recently as if they had been restored.
“Since this morning I have observed the phenomenon, half of the icons are already cleaned. First a red colour appears which turns golden (..) You can see the icons clearing up from top to bottom,” AFP reported Father Malinov as saying.
The present church was built in the 18th century, yet it is believed that a church has stood on the site since as early as the 13th century.
A Macedonian tourism website states that an Ottoman pasha may have converted the church into his personal harem at some point during its history.
About two-thirds of Macedonia’s 2.1 million residents are Orthodox Christian.


My thoughts about this is that  this is demonic activity. Elaborate hoaxes like this are meant to deceive mankind in order for them to worship an object! And if you look into these kinds of events, that is EXACTLY what happens.
People see the phenomena and think it must be an act of GOD. They want to believe so badly that they automatically assume it’s divine. Well, it may be divine as in supernatural but there are two sides of the supernatural and the demonic side love, love, love to trick. All the while laugh at humanity for being so gullible.
Instead of wasting their time at these kinds of things, people should be spending time with GOD. Buying a potato chip that looks like Jesus Christ or a burnt piece of toast that has a face that RESEMBLES Jesus, take that time to invest in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Making Jesus Christ first in your life is hard when your spending your time worshiping a potato chip!
This is likened to worshiping a statue of Mary. This reminds me of all those statues people sit below and pray to. This is so sad. And it infuriates GOD. This is one reason why the Roman Catholic Church took out the worshiping an ‘idol’ commandment!
Instead of looking outside for answers, and inspiration…look towards GOD. Instead of praying to an object…PRAY TO GOD.

People need to wake up! Time is short!
•Nevertheless, still sitting in pews are millions of clueless folk, having yet to realize they are victims of statistics. They are systematically fleeced of time and money as their deacons, elders, and such, tally their heads. Flocks are counted while business as usual from pep rally style to formal, with everything else in between, culminates on Sun-deity day. Congregants are none the wiser. They experience pious feelings as a group, for an hour give or take; naively watching shady speakers grasping at whatever emotional strings they can – all directed at motivating listeners to continue giving – or better yet – give even more.
No surprise – the more skilled the string puller – the more believed and beloved the spokesperson. But most hear very little of that which has legitimate backing. In fact, duped devotees experience nothing more than the same orchestrated string-pulled emotional sensations as the early pagan Egyptian or Greek commoners. Commoners were oblivious to the fact they were given little or nothing of value … in exchange for their hard earned and much needed cash/property. In the same fashion, clueless of the telltale messages fed them –congregants have yet to realize they have been conned.•
They level pagan fingers attached to rotten hearts – and point them at those who do not embrace their pagan doctrines …
Sorry for the rant but it had to be said. The people are bring systematically, demonically guided. There are few and far between congregations which don’t get treated this way. Even television is like this, even more so.
It’s all about the bottom dollar and this is just another form of hoaxing the believer. Demons have taken over our every day life and in order to not be consumed you need to make GOD first in everything, especially your worship. It’s not about giving a dollar and expecting a miracle.
Selfishness got the world where it is now, and it just keeps on sucking more of our soul….and spirit. The only way out is to make GOD number one. Giving everything you have to do HIS Will.

People are so eager to find an idol. The world is in sad shape. And GOD is letting us know by the events which are happening in our world and skies that the time is short.

Stop these pagan practices. Change your ways. Make GOD first.

10 Questions to Find the Idol You Worship

1. What is the one thing, or person, you fear losing most? Beyond sadness, how would you feel if that thing or person were gone tomorrow? (What would such a loss do to your life?)

2. What gives you purpose? Where do you find your identity, significance, and meaning in your life? (What role, job, responsibility, talent, title, or position makes, or would, make you most proud of yourself?)

3. What is success? How will you know if your life is a success or a failure? (Who has proven to have a “successful” life in your view?)

4. What gives you hope for the future? What, or who, do you trust to give you security in an uncertain future? (Where do you think people should not put their hope?)

5. What brings you the most joy in your life? In what truth, person, or thing do you regularly delight in most often? (So much so you want others to delight in it).

6. What do you speak in support of most often? What,or who, do you naturally praise or intentionally preach to others? (What do you speak against most often?)

7. What or who do you love above all else?What is that one thing you want, that you don’t have, that you believe will make your life complete? (What do you hate above all else?)

8. Who or what do you find you are sacrificing for? Where do you spend most of your time? On what do you spend much of your money? When do you exert your “best” energy? (Where do you campaign, publicly or privately, that others should sacrifice more?)

9. What captivates your thoughts without having to think? Where, or what, do your thoughts lead you toward? Where does it lead you away from? (What do you imagine or dream about?)

10. What or who is the governing influence in your decision-making? How do you determine what is right, wrong, good, bad, wise, or foolish? (To whom or what do first appeal, to resolve moral,ethical, or personal dilemmas?)

ART: riddsorenson

2 responses

  1. Wow. As a believer with a chronic illness that has taken over my life those 10 questions just gave me a huge slap in the face that I needed desperately. I curiously came to your site from your appearance on the travel channel and believe it was God directing me here so I would see this. I can’t explain how much I needed to see this today. Thanks so much, keep up the fight and continue sharing Gods Word.

    June 13, 2015 at 3:08 PM

    • Ironically…I just received my copy of the program! Thank you for your kind words. May GOD bless and keep you. Love, V

      June 15, 2015 at 7:13 AM

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