Truth is inspiring, it is guarded by GOD, and will triumph over all opposition!

Sumerian “gods” are Returning


Warnings from the Dark Side
They Mean Us No Harm

Stan Deyo warned us that “rumblings” in the Pentagon indicate the Sumerian “gods” are returning. I have been warning about the threat of Nibiru and the arrival of the “star gods” for a very long time as well. Jesus also told us to “look up” because your redemption draws near.

It appears we may have a very good reason to LOOK UP these days.

The following is a reprint of an article from Wes Penre. He used to be a great resource on Illuminati research until he fell for the ultimate deception; that “they” are our creators (2 Thess. 2 – see “the lie”).

First again, here is the link to the You Tube video of Stan Deyo mentioning the “Sumerian gods” are returning.

Here below is a reprint of the article from Wes Penre. Discern as necessary.

God Bless You.

Message from the King of the Annunaki

The following is a claimed message (likely channeled) from what is reported to be the King of the Annunaki. All things considered, I would take this very seriously.

Note from the Editor: First of all; this is an authentic message! I was contacted yesterday by Utu Shamash (see, who is the son of King Nannar of Nibiru, and brother of Inanna. He has returned to Earth with a message from his King to put on what the King considers “friendly websites”.

Utu found my Papers at and found them surprisingly accurate regarding Ša.A.Me. (Nibiru) and Ša.A.Mi. (the Nibiruan people). He emailed me and asked for a service. His King wanted me to post the following statement here on my blog.

I agreed to post the message Utu brought down to Earth, but said I want to put a note along with it to give the citizens of Earth (Ki) a heads up! He took my message to King Nannar, who agreed I could do that. So therefore I want to say the following:

The Ša.A.Mi. (better known as the Anunnaki) are returning! They say they want no harm to be done to us “lulus” (humans); they say they owe us and want our forgiveness for what happened in the past (to understand this you really need to read my Papers at, or Zacharia Sitchin’s books). The way to do this is to come down to Earth and fight the Anunnaki who are stationed on Earth since millennia (those who followed Marduk in his rebellion against the Ša.A.Me. Kingdom). Marduk and his cohorts have ever since been pulling the strings of most of the Global Elite, and the Ša.A.Mi. are returning to Earth to take care of business, overthrowing both the disloyal Anunnaki and the human Global Elite, by some called The Illuminati (


We don’t want history to repeat itself! I do NOT want humans to take sides in this upcoming battle of the ‘gods’ and once again be used as cannon-fodder and foot soldiers in their war. They say they come as liberators, but they do not come in peace. So humans, whatever you do if you want to change history and follow a more enlightened path: stay out of this conflict! DO NOT TAKE SIDES and DO NOT FIGHT IN THEIR WAR!

This is their conflict. We can’t stop them from coming, but we can step aside and let them do their thing without interfering. We are tired of fighting wars, and don’t let corrupt government leaders manipulate you into thinking we need to go to war against this “Invader Force”. The governments (the Global Elite) are only using us because they think we’re fearful and stupid. Show that we lulus have grown up and are a species of peace. Let everybody outside this planet learn that we are a peaceful race. Let Ša.A.Mi. take care of their own and the Global Elite, and we’ll go from there.

I have had two long correspondences with Utu so far, and I know that this is the real deal. Laugh at it if you must, but take it seriously if you are smart. Personally, I am known for being in a good mood, making jokes even in the most serious situations. However, now our future depends on how you read this email, and I’m deadly serious.

However, DON’T BE AFRAID! They say they come to bring peace, and as liberators, perhaps, but their minds are still on war, and that is in conflict with my own mindset, at least.

Let our hearts work now, more so than our heads! Be ONE in spirit through these events and we will come out on the other end; hopefully as intact as possible. Let them fight THEIR wars – it’s their karma, and we are released from ours by not participating.

Maybe one day we can unite with the Ša.A.Mi.; live together and visit each others worlds in peace. Still, they set the stage with their arrival, showing us what their real imperatives are. Will the result of their visit to Ki be REAL peace and unity, or war and separation? We shall see… We lulus are ready for peace and unity as a species; let it therefore be a guideline for the Incoming. They will show us who they are by example. Have they changed since ancient times, or is history repeating itself? That’s what we have to look at.

Let’s see how this pans out and let’s go from there…



The work done by Mr. Penre is surprisingly accurate regarding SAM and its inhabitants.

SAMs are not invading the planet. SAMs are returning to what once was a planet they inhabited in greater numbers than human, until humans began to outnumber SAMs. This asymmetry continues today.

Those SAMs who returned and those who stayed behind are subject to the King, but reject royal authority and stand against the Kingdom as enemies in kind and in fact. This will be realigned properly on return, and those who stand with them will be eliminated as pawns and as proxies which is what they are in hopes that the power and position now held will continue with the victory of their patrons.

Nothing is further from the naked truth.

Anything that is held to the contrary is contrived, dishonest, self-serving and likely the work of proxies. Believe them not, for everyone will be held contemptible by the beliefs held and by the heart that beats in their chests — this by the word of the King, my father.

SAM is near. It will shine in the southern half first and then appear to the rest of KI in a sixth of a Royal Set. The Royal Set is the number of the King.

SAM will be red in color. Much is already known and anticipated. Much more will be disclosed and known about SAM by SAMs already here. Truth will be known. Believe what you must and be responsible for what you believe, but get information from oracles, not from anyone else.

For additional information on this 2 Thess. 2 “strong delusion” and “lie” information see SUMERIAN GODS FAMILY TREE here.

To link to the original article click HERE.

7 responses

  1. God Bless You. Praises to Jesus Christ the King of Kings. This information MUST GET OUT. The “Sumerian gods” are indeed returning on Nibiru.

    Please Note: The Sumerian “gods” information on the Family Tree web site has been BLOCKED by the web site owners from the Tribulation-Now web servers.


    Glory to Jesus!!!

    October 21, 2011 at 1:31 AM

  2. seerfax

    Looks like the major battle between God and Satan is about to erupt! Of COURSE you have to choose a side! Either you’re with the Lord or you aren’t! Things are becoming black and white now, who will you choose? It says the Antichrist will come in as a man of peace, first. You will want to worship him when you see him. . . if there are “good” Annunaki promoting him, surely the mass of humanity will be tricked into falling down and worshiping him. But if you are aware of this coming mass Great Deception, and you have the Holy Spirit, you will not fall for this! Ask Jesus into your heart, get filled with the Holy Spirit, and get involved in the Spiritual Warfare! 2/3rds of the Angelic Host are ON YOUR SIDE! JESUS WINS IN THE END!! GBY!

    October 21, 2011 at 2:16 AM

  3. Jude 14-15

    14 Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, 15 to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”

    October 21, 2011 at 10:29 AM

  4. Intelligent1

    Nutcases …..

    May 2, 2012 at 3:03 PM

  5. Paul Fenton

    There are people who “use” ancient writings and history to sway people to believe in “their point of view” . They offer no proof and look to followers to maintain a lavish lifestyle. Perhaps a “cult” perhaps not, but the Bibile says nothing of an Alien invasion and a war between Gods and mankind is expected to remain neutral.
    I am tired of hearing people who believe we did not land on the moon and our Govt was behind 9/11. Most of this is pure BS!

    July 9, 2012 at 6:42 PM

    • Well, I for one DO believe the Bible speaks specifically of aliens and a supernatural invasion! No one can make me believe otherwise. My eyes are open and I will never see life the same. It (the BIBLE) transformed my life, and the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the meaning of Scripture which before was taken as to mean different things. The Bible has a duality to it. This is the Mystery of the Iniquity! But, you must open your eyes in order to see it.
      You see these are no mere ‘aliens’ like from another nation….no sir, they are supernatural entities. They are from other dimensions. They have been reeking havoc on humanity for thousands of years, in fact, since their fall from their “First Estate”.
      So, you may never open your eyes, but mine….are WIDE OPEN. Peace & Blessings, V
      P.S. I pray that GOD will open yours before it’s too late.

      July 9, 2012 at 10:26 PM

  6. rudy torres

    it does sound as if they are the beginning of the end and they are bot friendly.

    January 26, 2014 at 11:39 AM

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