Truth is inspiring, it is guarded by GOD, and will triumph over all opposition!

BLUE Force Tracking

Blue Force Tracking is a United States military term used to denote a GPS-enabled system that provides military commanders and forces with location information about friendly (and despite its name, also about hostile) military forces.

BLUE Bloods=BLUE Merovingians/Annunaki/Nephilim/Atlanteans/Royalty(Aristocrat)…etc. They call themselves this for GOOD reason.

BLUE People (BLUE Fuggets) are said to be from this bloodline/The BLUE Book was of the UFO’s/

The BLUE prints are invented by Freemason/

BLUE Laws are initiated by Freemason/BLUE Ribbons are the ‘best’/BLUE Resonance is a book put out by the Freemasons/

BLUE Brethren are a sect of the Elite Freemasons/BLUE pages=government/BLUE Mantels of the Atlanteans/

BLUE Mountains, BLUE Canopy, BLUE Veiled Mountains, BLUE Mist/”feeling BLUE, low ‘spirits’,(Zeus would make rain when he was sad/

BLUE music propagated by the Masons/United Nations is BLUE/BLUE collar/Avatar=BLUE People/Norway Spiral=BLUE/BLUE Beam Technology/

BLUE gods in Hinduism/BLUE cloth covered the Ark of the Covenant/BLUE conveys superiority/BLUEstocking=well-read or scholarly woman/

BLUE Book is a register of socially prominent people/Out of the “BLUE is unexpected/BLUE Devils/

BLUE Language=profanity/BLUEnose=puritanical individual/Into the BLUE=entering the unknown/

BLUE is the collective color of the Spirit/BLUE=betokening the presence of Ghosts or Devils/

Blue Badges=Police/BLUE=dark days of war/BLUE movies=porn, blue is suggestive of sexual impropriety/

In my research, I always watch for the ‘root’ words as clues to the lost knowledge. And in the root of ‘Nor’ I found the missing link to the Blue (Moo)vians and the latter (Nor)dics in a little known (Nor)wegian myth about a rarely seen island the locals call “Formørk Øy” (or “Cloud Island”). It is supposedly 400 or so miles from the shores of (Mo) skenesøya due east from the tip of HELL. (That’s right~Hell.) It is called Cloud Island because, when it is seen, it is perpetually shrouded in a cloud cover. (How many of us researchers have heard the story of UFOs hiding themselves in a cloud!) This place, again like the legends of Shambala, has the ability to veil itself from the eyes of humans. It holds no place on any map because the actual distance is unknown, the island cannot be seen from above, despite numerous attempts, and no one can prove that they’ve actually set foot on it’s shores, if it has any. Only treacherous cliffs are observed, and none has reached it or even gone all the way round it. The main reason it isn’t included on any map are the many superstitions related to the island and its inhabitants.
When the Cherokee migrated to Tennessee they found the region inhabited by a race of blue skinned little people, who they called the ‘Moon Eye’. Their eyes were very large and sensitive to light. They lived in the earth below, but had their gardens on the surface and would come out only at night to tend to them. Benjamin Smith Barton’s ‘NEW VIEWS OF THE ORIGINS OF THE TRIBES AND NATIONS OF AMERICA’ (1798)

Blue Race aka: Star Warriors, Moon-eyes
Description: The Blues are said to have translucent skin, large almond shaped eyes extremely sensitive to light and small of stature.
Origin: They claim to be descendants of Noah who traveled to the Western Hemisphere a few centuries following the deluge and discovered ancient antediluvian cavern systems and ancient technologies which had been abandoned by the antediluvians in deep subterranean recesses. They have been encountered mostly in deep cavern-systems beneath the general region of the Ozarks-Arkansas and surrounding regions.
Attitude : These peaceful people may, according to some accounts, be allied to the ‘Nordics’ or ‘Blondes’.

The modern English word blue comes from the Middle English, bleu or blwe, which came from an Old French word bleu of Germanic origin (Frankish or possibly Old High German blao, “shining”). Bleu replaced Old English blaw. The root of these variations was the Proto-Germanic blæwaz, which was also the root of the Old Norse word bla and the modern Icelandic blár, and the Scandinavian word blå, but it can refer to other non blue colors.

One response

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    April 18, 2011 at 12:46 PM

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