Truth is inspiring, it is guarded by GOD, and will triumph over all opposition!

Lady Gaga-Judas

Considering the album cover might as well have had an inverted cross, so this will not play out as the organized fundamentalist for Christianity. I think that the political powers that reigned in the days of Yeshua are spiritually here now, in fact they never left the earth.
This woman who is obviously mind-controlled in many venues, is so complacent as to the part she plays in these videos and lyrics, especially being co-director. The negativity which is shown in this video is outrageous and blasphemous, and the self-righteousness of the elite are so blatant.

I firmly believe religion to be an organization which is controlled by these wicked elite by the means of invisible barriers and I can only pray that people begin to wake up and see it. I am a BELIEVER OF GOD, not religion.
I DO NOT condone this activity, but will reveal my thoughts and corruption seen in this video.

Lady Gaga uses many symbols and mannerisms to show her support for the Illuminati with the EYE OF ISIS/HORUS and others…so let’s do this thing!!
The video begins with the name, Judas and a red cross with a hole in the center, and nail marks on each end of the bar. Gaga is the biker babe riding with a Latino Jesus sporting a golden crown of thorns.

The Biblical imagery arrives in flashes — members of a biker gang are named after the apostles; with cross and bones on their jackets ! Let’s point out here that it’s not just ANY cross she bares on her chest, but one with a circle around the center–this is a cross for sun-worship. Her crown seems to imply she is a queen but my interpretation is that she is the queen of blasphemy.

She’s a Victorian Joker in fantastic eyeliner and glamazon nails. And, for a brief second, she’s flogged like Jesus, herself.
The scene hones in on her necklace, which has dozens of crosses. One should see the parallels of blasphemy and mockery.

Gaga dons a blue veil like Mary (Magdalene or the Blessed, who knows?) ‘Jesus’ seems to laying his hands on a person, and then it cuts the scene to her next outfit as she dances in a blood red outfit with crosses on her breasts.
This betrayal of Jesus by Judas as he faced the challenges of faithfulness is posed, but what really drives the hedge here is, Lady Gaga is a ‘holy fool’.
If your familiar with the Bible, there passages come from Luke 22 and as some may realize 22 is a big number in FREEMASONRY!

She washes Jesus’ feet; Judas, who’s played by actor Norman Reedus, kisses Jesus. Superimposing herself over the character is a common element, seen in the Freemason world of religion. Their interpretation always seems to imply god-like status in an “electric chapel”. The sign of this electric chapel has a sun burst under it, which is a symbol of sun worship again.
With a third costume change of a bike babe, and a background scenery of a bike bar, the scene is set for more symbolism. In the center of the shot is Lady Gaga but take your eyes to the top of the screen, and you will see symbolism at it’s very height in this scene…the man with the (maltese cross) X and the mix between a baphomet and Satan sure stands out and then we go back to Lady Gaga and her Isis eyes. But it seems the tee-shirt of this man is only one of a few which are all subject to inquiry. What most wouldn’t see is the consistent shape in which the surrounding dancers stage, an upside down triangle which is in tune with “as Above, so Below”.

The next shot is of actor Norman Reedus, as Jesus…with the cross necklace and crown, then it cuts back to Judas as one of the ‘apostles’ who has two women in his arms, with his victim entrapped in a neck hold and dives into her throat.
This next scene reveals Lady Gaga, as she walks next to ‘Jesus’ in a blue scarf and with a blood red material underneath, the blue scarf and Catholic Sun/Mary worshipping images, as she and ‘Jesus’ walk together while she looks away disgusted.

Then the next lyrics are up for another blasphemous turn again with the words of love as hate, darkness forgiving his ways, and dead bodies, singing she’ll bring him down, a king with no crown…all the while pounding her chest.
Laying of hands again, denoting a healing and ‘light’ image engulfing Lady Gaga.
The most unspeakable horror is just ahead as Lady Gaga holding rosary with a cross dangling and a gun! She says…
In the most Biblical sense,
I am beyond repentance
Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind
But in the cultural sense
I just speak in future tense
Judas kiss me if offensed,
Or wear an ear condom next time

WOW! Is this a statement of religion in general or against Mary? Does religion hold captive, the people on their knees, through the mind-controlled Illuminati? YES!
Next, Lady Gaga holds her hair over one eye as she symbolizes the Illuminati All-Seeing Eye.
Water runs down her body then as the next scene the gushes water from behind her as she stands on a rock. This to me, says the people (water) of the world stand on their rock (Jesus) engulfed with sin.
Baptism in the next scene by Lady Gaga by running water in the tub with Judas and Jesus, with cans of alcohol on the edges just rocks it over the top.

Judas is the demon she clings to but Jesus is her virtue can signify many things in this verse but demonizing this brings it to par with the conflict of her love for Jesus making her a ‘holy fool’. Judas running alcohol on her butt just anchors the demonic influence of this whole disgusting story.
The straw that breaks the proverbial camels back is the scene of her dressed in white (as a Bride) with her demonic nails wrapped around what seems to be a pregnant tummy!! Guessing this is pregnant Mary Magdalene being stoned even in the stomach just tips the barrel of blasphemy into the demonic realm again.

Gaga claims the video is not meant to be interpreted as “a religious statement.” She says, “I view it as social statement. I view it as a cultural statement,” she told E!. Gaga co-directed the clip with her frequent collaborator and dance guru Laurieann Gibson.
BUT, with every blasphemous turn and spin, Lady Gaga has denoted many religious implications. So we have the lyrics at the end of this article which will sum it all up.

Best Use of Obvious Imagery: Gaga drowning in a sea of confusion (a.k.a. a giant wave), or is this ‘sea‘ the people in a land of confusion…either way her confusion is self-imposed.
Most Potentially Offensive Moment: What I will refer to as “an unusual baptism.”
I’m in love with Judas
I’m in love with Judas
Judas! Judaas Judas! Judaas
Judas! Judaas Judas! GAGA

When he comes to me, I am ready
I’ll wash his feet with my hair if he needs
Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain
Even after three times, he betrays me

I’ll bring him down, bring him down, down
A king with no crown, king with no crown

I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel
But I’m still in love with Judas, baby
I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel
But I’m still in love with Judas, baby

I’m in love with Judas
I’m in love with Judas
Judas! Judaas Judas! Judaas
Judas! Judaas Judas! GAGA

I couldn’t love a man so purely
Even darkness forgave his crooked way
I’ve learned our love is like a brick
Build a house or sink a dead body

I’ll bring him down, bring him down, down
A king with no crown, king with no crown

I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel
But I’m still in love with Judas, baby
I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel
But I’m still in love with Judas, baby

I’m in love with Judas
I’m in love with Judas

In the most Biblical sense,
I am beyond repentance
Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind
But in the cultural sense
I just speak in future tense
Judas kiss me if offensed,
Or wear an ear condom next time

I wanna love you,
But something’s pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue,
Judas is the demon I cling to
I cling to

I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel
But I’m still in love with Judas, baby
I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel
But I’m still in love with Judas, baby

I’m in love with Judas
I’m in love with Judas
Judas! Judaas Judas! Judaas
Judas! Judaas Judas! GAGA

18 responses

  1. Is she just enough or too much already? Is she anti-religion or attention seeker?

    May 12, 2011 at 7:16 AM

  2. Megan

    Brilliant. Thanks for breaking it down

    May 20, 2011 at 10:18 PM

  3. Joe

    Lady Gaga is no cookie cutter plastic pop star in the likes that mainstream is so used to seeing. Her image is edgy and the music on this album is heavy brilliant innovative pop with dark lyrics and powerful messages. Wether at a party or a club, one can’t ignore how fast dance floors fill when Gaga’s songs come on, but the thing that I love the most about these powerful…

    May 23, 2011 at 8:35 AM

  4. Eugene Tips

    Lady Gaga seems to be the epitome of the Great Whore of Babylon. She loves Judas? Even she can be saved, but i doubt she would even consider it. Definitely Satanic.

    June 5, 2011 at 1:53 PM

  5. Riley

    The sea at the end is a cultural baptism. Lady Gaga preaches nothing but unconditional love and acceptance. She wants to change the world through her art; her music. It’s a shame to see that some people don’t understand.

    July 13, 2011 at 9:46 PM

  6. Randy

    Well to me I think she is stating that we all have a God we believe in but the devil, or the anti-christ, is the devil/sin that constantly overwhelms us day by day!!!! 🙂

    January 4, 2012 at 9:57 AM

    • The part of the plan is Satan rules the air and earth….until Jesus Christ makes His appearance. Everything in GOD’s time, GOD’s way….GOD’s Will. I don’t make the rules. There is a reason for everything. BELIEVE ME! There are no coincidences.
      Satan only overcomes us if we allow him to do so. I Don’t! I use a constant communication with GOD and prayer to keep that from happening. Peace & Blessings-ENDTIMESWATCHER/Virginia Patrick

      January 4, 2012 at 9:32 PM

  7. Rab Simpson

    Your little jew zombie deserves to be mocked. The whole thing from start to finish is a pile of bullshit and deserves to be portrayed as such and worse for the enormous number of lives it has both ruined and ended prematurely.

    F*#@. YOUR. ‘GOD’.

    January 22, 2012 at 3:13 PM

    • Now, I did change the spelling of your comment but I want the rest to be shown. Religion can be mocked but I will not allow GOD to be.

      January 22, 2012 at 8:28 PM

      • Rab Simpson

        HAHAHA! You won’t allow it? Does your imaginary friend need your help to defend himself? Not much of a ‘god’, is he?

        January 23, 2012 at 10:41 AM

      • What a shame to use such intellectual skills on hopelessness.

        January 23, 2012 at 4:16 PM

  8. Rab Simpson

    You think not having an imaginary friend results in hopelessness? Like the majority of people who sincerely believe the kind of thing you believe in, you’re completely nuts.

    Why does ‘he’ need you to defend him? You avoided the question. Is it because ‘he’ really doesn’t exist but you’re too proud to admit that you believed in something ridiculous and you were wrong? Maybe you’re scared of the dark? Is that it? Frightened that there’s no light at the end of the tunnel?

    The universe we live in is FAR from hopeless and is FAR more beautiful than any of the primitive nomads who cooked up your precious YHWH could possibly have imagined. By clinging to their bullshit you’re denying yourself the experience of that beauty. I bet you didn’t even realise that the atoms of which you’re comprised once burned within the heart of a star, and the only way that you (or any of us for that matter) could exist is through the death (for want of a better term) of stars.

    The stars die and thanks to them we can exist. It wasn’t some imaginary, cosmic, jew zombie, it was a real star and probably more than one.

    There’s a reason it was called the Enlightenment. Turn the light on inside your own head and take a look at the real world, while you’re at it, ditch the fairy tales, they’re of no positive use.

    January 28, 2012 at 4:36 PM

    • Your type of enlightenment reminds me of a satanic ritual and other than that I have no use of debating this further. Your views are definitely not mine and although my mind is open to other views of our universe, my views on GOD will never change or morph into anything other than the faith by which I live and breathe. Case closed.

      January 28, 2012 at 8:00 PM

      • Samazazel 777

        Why is it you think you to super impose your belief on people? Dont mock God? Theres nothing to mock, its a word that means I Am and pretty false. If you use your mind and your heart instead of reading, you may find that GOD aka The Creator/Source is within not in the cosmos. Videos are meant for sheep lol theres no such thing is blasphemy esp if your a thumper, “no graven images”, lol The Source has no image, no beginning or end becus its not a being or entity. Wake urself up b4 judging others for their words. The language of angels aka light language uses no human words, only pictures and vibrations through light. And if you really wanna get criitical about it, there are MANY NAMES for the Creator, all the diff aspects of the Omniversal Consciousness that defines all existence. We aint meat bags with 5 senses lol we’re spiritual entities with infinite possiblities all within, not a in box world. If you want a true sense of GOD, dont look on earth lol, look inside yourself and believe in your own soul if it hasnt shorted out yet. (materialism kills spirit). My name is Azazel btw i enjoyed this site Thank You! Ad Majorum Glorium Dei

        August 29, 2012 at 2:31 AM

      • While I do appreciate your comments and thoughts, I do not agree with your assessments. The NEW AGE spiritualism you are spouting it just that, a false religion. We are spiritual warriors on behalf of GOD, in the sense that we have a choice on which side to fight for and against. I see by your chosen name that you hide behind falsity. While you speak of GOD, you use blasphemy assert your status in the flesh.
        The variations of energy in which you describe are used daily in the Freemason/Illuminati rituals played out before the world, especially recently with the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics. Of course, you already know this considering the Latin terms you use are mostly ascribed and utilized by the Jesuits. And these rituals were designed by these elite. The motto in which they use…to the greater glory of GOD-is manipulated and twisted to describe their god, which is the very angels you speak of. Knowing the Scripture, as I’m sure you do, would define this worship of angels as wrong.
        I try not to judge, but like you, I too am human…I only try to ‘enlighten’ others as to the rules which the dark side maintain. Oh, I saw your name, even before you pointed it out. This determined to me that you chose to use the name of a fallen angel. A goat-demon which abides by this name is aligned with Samael, but again…you know this too, for this is the ‘first’ name of your alias. Playing the ‘scapegoat’ as well as the Jesuits do, is something they obviously are experts at, but no matter…GOD knows everything.
        Your ‘shill’ response only assures that my work is justified for I vex even the ‘well-trained’ of the possessed. Considering your response is related to the subject of the possessed Ms.Lady Gaga, reinforces the fact that I need to publish the article I worked on this week about her. I know…she’s one of your best ‘agents’ of spreading filth through symbols and rituals…but people need to ‘wake up’ to her vibrations and pictures!
        May GOD have mercy upon your soul.

        August 29, 2012 at 9:46 AM

  9. Z smith

    You guys are obviously fundamentalists who take everything in life seriously. The song is about her boyfriend that betrayed by that she still clings on to.

    April 3, 2012 at 4:45 PM

  10. Pingback: Satan’s Bride to Be | Mystery of the Iniquity

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