Truth is inspiring, it is guarded by GOD, and will triumph over all opposition!

Daniel’s 70th Week? PT 2



Strange and sometimes frightening mysteries emerge from under the sea, under the Earth, and from the sky.
And then there are the “skyquakes” – loud, booming sounds, rather like cannon fire, with no known origin, threatening booms thunder across the sky.

These “skyquakes” are suddenly exploding all around the world. In the small town of Moodus, Connecticut loud booms that seem to come from the area of Cave Hill and Mt. Tom are scarring the locals. Skeptics attribute these noises to shallow earthquakes, and there was a real earthquake there in 1791, but no tremors have been recorded when the noises are heard.
The local Indians believed that the noises were caused by the demon Hobomock, and called the area “Matchimoodus” or “Matchemadoset,” meaning “place of bad noises,” say researchers. Barisal, on the Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh at the mouth of the Ganges River, has the “Barisal Guns.”

Beginning at least as far back as the eighteen seventies, there were reports of “cannon fire” in groups of two or three, coming from the south or southwest (the Bay), usually from February through October, and seldom from November through January, with no earthquakes detected or thunderstorms reported. The monsoon usually arrives in June and lasts through September, covering only part of the time when the “guns” are commonly heard.

What do we know about the Earth core – that there is a solid inner core of pure iron the size of the Moon, an outer liquid core loaded with iron the size of Mars, and an asymmetrical borders between the liquid core and the bottom of the rocky mantle.

All this information has been collected from studying of seismic waves traveling through the earth.
Despite the fact that some experts believe that the Earth may flip on its axis, that’s not what creates the “skywakes.”

What is happening is that the liquid iron core of the Earth is spinning at a different rate than the planet’s rotation and the slippage is causing a measurable migration of the Earth’s magnetic field.
The skyquakes are caused by harmonics deep inside the Earth traveling from a mutating core through the layers of the planet to the surface. The sky acts as a sounding board capturing and magnifying the sonic and electrical frequencies shot from the center of the world.

2 responses

  1. This picture is beautiful, inspiring.

    April 2, 2012 at 10:08 AM

  2. Reblogged this on Nae's Nest and commented:
    The earth has so many mysteries. I seem to have a theme going today. This is comliments of Mystery of the Inquity at You might want to hop over to this blog

    April 2, 2012 at 10:10 AM

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