Truth is inspiring, it is guarded by GOD, and will triumph over all opposition!

Dr. Bruce C. Murray issues Extinction Level Event Category 1 warning!

Bruce C. Murray was born November 30, 1931 in New York, NY. He is a professor emeritus of planetary science and geology at Caltech and was Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory from April 1, 1976 to June 30, 1982.

He received his Ph.D. in geology from MIT in 1955 and was employed by Standard Oil of California, the USAF, and the United States Civil Service before joining Caltech in 1960. He became an associate professor in 1963, a full professor in 1969, and a professor emeritus in 2001.

With Carl Sagan and Louis Friedman, Murray founded the Planetary Society. He also served a term as its chair.

Murray was the recipient of the 1997 Carl Sagan Memorial Award. In 2004, Murray was awarded the Telluride Tech Festival Award of Technology in Telluride, Colorado.

Murray is married to Suzanne Moss, and they have five children.

There is a huge meteorite, about the size of a small town, which is heading very fast towards earth, it has been very visible to people on the stereo soho map, in fact a part of it broke off and hit the sun just last week. There were people talking about it, and indeed a thread about it on here i recall.

Nothing was mentioned in mainstream media about it. People have been told to keep quite about it!

I can confirm that this is a category 1 strength extinction level if it hits the pacific, it will cause huge tsunami waves, and trigger off events which could cause the extinction of every breathing human animal mamal and plant on this planet. The authorities and elite will be going underground this weekend as it is due to hit anytime from the early hours of monday morning (USA time), until around 8am. So we are looking about 4am -8am USA time it will hit! This is the time to pray to whoeever you believe in, whoever your God is, you must pray. This is it.

Now here are my thoughts….A) either we are being led to believe this is happening and it really is and someone legit is warning us…B) or this is another “illuminati’ event in order to zap energy from people, meaning FEAR causes people to generate an energy which the dark side feeds off of…C) or it’s both….D) or it is None of the above and we should continue on with out ordinary lives.

Now…nothing in this life is ordinary, for one. But, we must take some things into account and by that I mean use the discernment of prayer as your guide and DO NOT let fear guide you in ANY way for fear is NOT of GOD.

2 responses

  1. harry

    Google “ball of redemption”

    Also, google “garabandal the chastisement”

    don’t bother with the anti catholic rhetoric, I’ve heard all the

    arguments. This is only some of what I’ve heard along the way,

    there’s lots more, but I’m tired of christians bashing other christians

    whilst the “luciferians” remain united, so I’m just gonna pray, and

    wait. In the end Jesus will be the last man/God standing. So to


    November 5, 2011 at 9:03 PM

  2. harry

    Quis ut Deus +

    November 5, 2011 at 9:04 PM

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